Christ told us to seek first the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 6:33) and then all of these other things will be added to us. Understand and take to heart that Christ comes first. Seek Him, seek His wisdom and his guidance. When Christ comes first, success is added to you.
When Solomon had the opportunity to ask God for anything that he wanted, he chose wisdom. Take his example. Seek wisdom and riches will follow. Proverbs 4:7 says “Wisdom is supreme. Seek understand at all cost.

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.”
How this is a rebuttal can only be understood by misinterpretation. They emphasize that rich, as applied to us (believers), means rich in faith. I totally agree. If these harbingers of doom and gloom would only study before jumping to conclusions, they might be able to prosper as well.
Christ chose to appear poor. He could never “be” poor. He owns everything! He chose to appear poor for the sake of those who have been taught that success, wisdom and wealth are beyond their reach. If He had come as a wealthy person, the poor would have rejected Him. He came as a humble man with no visible means to reach the masses.
How then do these biblical prosperity principle work? In this verse it states that “yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.” Rich in FAITH? Absolutely!
What is faith? The most accepted definition is in Hebrews 11:1
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.”
This is the same faith in which we are to be rich. This is the same faith that caused Jesus to choose to appear poor so that we could become rich. Let’s look closely at this.
“Now” – this doesn’t mean later, tomorrow, a year from now or yesterday. It mean right now at this moment in time.
“faith” – in which we are to become rich and by which we can become rich.
“is” – not was, not might be, not could be. A present action of being.
“the substance” – a substance is a physically measurable thing. It has a physical presence.
“of things hoped for” – What are those physical things that we hope for?
“and the evidence” – According to Webster’s dictionary evidence is that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof, something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign.
“of things not seen” – Things that exist but we have not seen.
Let’s recap this. Jesus came appearing poor to reach the masses of people who are poor (not to keep them poor) so that they could become rich in faith. So that they could become rich in the “substance of those things hoped for and the evidence of those things that they have not seen or experienced.”
It is not money that is evil. It is the pursuit of money for money’s sake that leads men away from Christ. Man’s desire for money makes him focus all of his attention on gaining wealth.
To acquire the wealth that God has already provided for us, we must have all of our faith in Christ. He must be the primary objective. We must seek a close and deep relationship with Him. When we seek wealth for our own greed, we open ourselves to the lust of the eye, the lust of the heart, the lusts of this world and the pride of life.
We must first have faith only in Christ and trust Him to provide everything else. Faith and Trust.
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