Wednesday 14 March 2012


See yourself becoming great, see yourself marching into greatness, see that in your mind's eye and you can clearly see a thing in your mind before you can do it. Because that which you don't see, you cannot accomplish....These are words of that have to be subjected to rational thinking.

Most people see the word "IMAGINATION" as a normal word but come to think of it, before you can live a life of purpose and accomplishment, you need to create a room in your brain to cater for your greatness or your "to be" self. With that you get a clear view of what to do right from where you are till you get to the top. For instance, before a potter makes any creative art of pottery or anything, he needs to plan it in his mind already shaped in the brain before bringing it live to existence.

Whatever your goal, purpose in life, plans, objectives, dreams, hopes or aspirations, carefully draft it in your mind's eye before start with its project. For plan is important in all facets of our lives.


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